How can you help?
There are different ways of helping Vietnamese children study. The one we recommend is to sponsor a child. This way requires a long term commitment from you, but offers you the possibility of developing a personal relationship with the child you decide to sponsor.
If you wish, you can also give a free donation, without any commitment. And, of course, you can always let other people know about this project and pray for all the people involved on it.

A commitment to help
one or more children

A free donation,
without commitment

Let other people know,
and pray

Become a Sponsor
You can help Vietnamese children study by sponsoring one or more of them. If you choose to become a sponsor, you will be able to establish a more personal contact with the children you sponsor and accompany their progress. We will send you regular updates on the children's situation and their families', together with recent pictures and letters sent by the child. We will provide you translations of those letters into your own language, whenever it is possible. At the same time, you can also write to your sponsored children, introducing yourself or encouraging them to continue their studies.

Of course you can stop sponsoring the child at any time, but, we really encourage you to sponsor for as long as you can, preferably until the child finishes the high-school. This way, you will be giving a very concrete contribution to brighten the future of a person, a person you know.
The study fee for one child is 120 USD or 96 EUR or 3.600 NTD per year.
If you want to become a sponsor or want to know more details, contact us!

Make a donation
If you want to help, but without any commitment, you can always make a donation, big or small, at anytime. We will put all the donations together and see how many other children we can sponsor. You won't be helping a specific child, but we will still inform you of how many children in the different groups we were able to help with your and other people's donations.
Besides helping us pay the study fees of other children, you donation will also enable us to finance some other projects connected with their studies, like the building or furnishing of schools, for example.

Other ways
Besides giving any monetary contribution, you can always help by letting other people know about this project. Information is really the first step for solidarity.
We invite you also to help with your prayers. Pray for the children and their families, so that the Lord enlighten they journey of building up their future and walk freely on their feet. Pray also for all the other people involved in this project, in a special way for the contact people we have in Vietnam, accompanying the children. They do what they do because of their faith, and very often do it under very difficult circumstances. They need, all the time, the comfort and courage that only the Lord can give.